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Who Are The Tens Of Thousands Of Sex Dolls Sold To Every Day

On March 23, 1993, the first sex store in China, called "Adam and Eve Health Center", appeared at 143 Zhao Danyu Road in Beijing, China. At that time, in the 30 square meter store, people saw more new things they had not seen before: condoms with thorns, "magic oil" to prolong erection, vibrators, simulated penises, etc. Everything related to sex could be found in this small store. At that time, many customers received something shy, even to find the change is too late to leave in a hurry, I believe that many people are more understanding of that era of the people but the mood, however, more people are outside the door peeking hovering in front of the door also dare not rashly go in. Now people are thick-skinned, anyway, there are Taobao stores, really will not Taobao stores everywhere in the streets are sex stores.

China's First Erotic Goods Store

24 years of time, the erotic industry in the end how the development of the summer of 2012, the media university of 90 students Ma Jiajia in the day of graduation, and her male best friend partnership in front of the university opened a physical store of adult products bubble no. After that, it was on line with the erotic goods mall. According to incomplete statistics, before this, China has at least five erotic companies, including Wanderford (833877), Nose Technology (836309), Love Couple (835587), He Fun (837472), Peachtree (838664), have been listed on the New Third Board. In terms of capital recognition, at least 28 companies in China have been financed, with a cumulative public amount of over 1 billion yuan. In addition to startups, China's erotic industry has attracted at least 30 well-known investment institutions, such as Matrix Partners China, Hongtai Fund and Dachen Venture Capital. International companies including Netflix International, individual investors including Xue Banzi, and many ordinary users have also participated in investment and crowdfunding in the erotic industry. In terms of business form, China's erotic industry has evolved from selling products to users offline to a diversified high-speed development stage combining online and offline, 2B and 2C, integrated and vertical, service and content, traditional crafts and emerging black technology.

First, the market has a massive demand for erotic products. In 2015, for example, the transaction value of erotic products in Japan was $83 billion, the transaction value of erotic products in the United States was $65 billion, while the transaction value of erotic products in China was only $18 billion; second, in the intelligent vending machine market, Japan has 6.5 million units, the United States has 5.1 million units, and China only has 500,000 self-service vending machines, of which there are less than 50,000 intelligent vending machines; third, in 2015, China The transaction scale of B2C market for erotic products reached 5.41 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 60%, and is expected to maintain a growth rate of more than 58% in the next ten years, while the erotic industry will usher in a golden explosion in the next ten years. Whether from the population base, the law of economic development or future growth space, erotic products are an overlooked hundred billion dollar market.

Who Is Buying The Tens Of Billions Of Erotic Products a Year? What Do They Buy?

From the data, the highest sales of products is inflatable dolls, accounting for 19.5% of total sales of erotic products. Although women account for only 36% of spending, they account for about 50% of sales and are more likely to buy sex toys for their significant others. Whereas only 21% of men have purchased feminine products when they are 18 to 19 years old, by the time they are 50 to 59 years old, that percentage has increased by about 50%.

Developing Trends

According to the big data, the erotic products industry reached its peak in 2015 with a very high level of heat, while the heat gradually decreased in the following two years, but the market size has gradually formed a scale, so the transaction value is still climbing. Despite this the market for erotic products is far from being developed, according to data we observe that the current erotic products industry is picking up and gaining momentum. The reason for this should be the recent explosion of the new retail industry, which has injected new vitality into erotic products, and the privacy of offline unmanned convenience stores, so that more people are willing to try.

But it is not all good news, in the erotic goods industry, how to regulate, how to effectively regulate or a big problem, no matter how to say "sex" this topic in many developing countries is still relatively sensitive, if the e-commerce can be standardized, express more focus on privacy protection, products can be more safe and hygienic, I believe the market will have a Positive feedback.