Japanese professional sex doll licensing site, prices include tax and free shipping throughout the United States, 24/7 customer service at your service

Affiliate Programme

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Do you want to join one of the most profitable industries in the world?
We offer the product, you provide the marketing - it's that simple!

What is an affiliate program?
Basically, you get paid for promoting our website. If you have many followers on your social media accounts, website, or blog, you can make a lot of money by becoming our affiliate.

Why choose NEWREALDOLL's affiliate program?
NEWREALDOLL is one of the leading sex doll distributors in the United States, featuring over 30 doll brands from top manufacturers such as WM Doll, Sino Doll, and SE Doll. With thousands of products and outstanding services, we are at the forefront of the industry and widely recognized.
If a customer buys a product through your referral link, you will earn a 10% commission.
The average order value on newrealdoll.com is around $2,000, so you can make an average of $200 per order.

How does the Affiliate Programme work?
  1. You send us a request to become an affiliate using this form
  2. Once your demand has been accepted you'll receive an affiliate link.
  3. If you need specific material such as banners, photos or videos to promote our website you can contact us via Twitter or at affiliate@newrealdoll.com and we'll provide you whatever you need.
  4. You can then use your affiliate link on your blog, website or social media account and start earning money.
  5. If a customer comes to our website via your link and orders something within 30 days, you'll receive 10% commission on the order. Commissions are paid via PayPal or bank transfer depending on your location.


1) Commissions are settled on a monthly basis.

2) We don't collaborate with coupon or similar websites.

3) Ensure that promotions can be made using membership links so that the revenue generated from the promotion can be calculated.