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What To Do If Your Sex Doll Is Stained

Seeing stains appear on your beloved sex doll is never a pleasant experience. Dealing with a stained love doll requires many restorative measures.

TPE Dolls Dyed How To Do

TPE material entity doll body is made of TPE material, and the entity doll is soft because it has oil, is because it has oil, so once it is stained, the color will penetrate into the entity doll, generally not very serious is to use soap in time to clean or use decolorizing cream to apply the stained place. To the entity doll to wear the clothes required is not to lose color, it is best to buy light colors such as white, light pink or perhaps flesh-colored, avoid dark clothes.

Stockings choice is white or flesh-colored, if you have to wear black, you have to first hit the doll's legs with talcum powder, and then put on a layer of flesh-colored stockings or white bottoming stockings, and then black stockings, which can be isolated, but do not take too long. Close to the body of the entity doll sheets covers pillows sofas chairs and so on should also not lose color, or you can use a blanket that does not lose color, bed sheets to isolate, and then let the doll sit or lie on. Solid dolls should not be placed around the paint ink and other coloring oil-based objects. In fact, to avoid xydoll entity doll staining is very simple, as long as there is no surrounding objects that lose color, such as clothes and sheets can be washed with water first, to determine the color before she wears. As for the stocking piece, it is best to wash it and then wear it, you can put a little talcum powder before wearing it, if there is accidental staining, first try oil and water makeup remover (the kind used by girls) or olive oil, or pigment thinner, really can not use color removal cream (available on Amazon). (How to use: light, moderate staining - the color removal cream evenly applied to the stained location after wiping the doll in a dry and cool place, to be 24 hours after the stained parts can be eliminated) but still try to avoid the appearance of staining.

How To Remove The Staining Of Silicone Dolls And How To Deal With It

This problem is actually very difficult to do, the adsorption of silicone is very strong, once the staining is difficult to remove. But there is no way, the following are a few more effective methods.

You can use 1.3% hydrogen peroxide diluted with water at a ratio of about 1:5, add a few drops of ammonia or soda solution, a soft brush dipped in the solution in the stained area lightly brush. Is not looking very much like in chemistry class, in fact, these kinds of chemical solutions in life are very easy to get. To further improve the bleaching effect, the solution can be properly warmed, the method is the use of oxidative bleaching to remove the color on the leather surface. But please note that it should not be too hot, about 50 to 60 degrees Celsius is about right. Overheated solutions can be damaging to the skin of sex dolls. If the above methods are used properly, the coloring should be removed. However, the color of the skin will still be affected after removal, and there will be some color difference compared to the original skin.

When choosing clothes for dolls try to choose light colors, such as: white, pink, yellow, etc., light-colored clothes should also pass through the water before the doll can wear, it is not recommended to wear dark-colored clothes, such as: black, blue, etc., because there will be staining problems. If there is a massive staining problem on the doll's body, another solution is needed.

The first method, immediately give the love doll a bath, clean every part with body wash, then dry or dry, and then hit the talcum powder. Repeat once every three days, the attached color will slowly fade.

The second method, prepare a clean white towel, a bottle of alcohol. Soak the towel with alcohol, wrap the towel around the stained silicone skin area, fix the towel and wait for a number of hours (the time depends on the severity of the stain), the color will gradually be precipitated with the evaporation of alcohol. While using the above method, wipe the stained part frequently with talcum powder to speed up the recovery process.

Some online users say you can use olive oil to clean, newrealdoll after personal experiment, the cleaning effect of olive oil is not much, far less than the effect of alcohol stain removal. So if everyone's doll accidentally stained with color may want to try the methods in this article, you can certainly restore the beauty of your love doll.