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The Rise Of Sex Doll Brothels

German Sex Doll Brothel Explored

In a quiet cul-de-sac south of Dortmund city center, lies Germany's first sex doll brothel. Customers can rent and use a silicone doll at this brothel for 80 euros per hour to satisfy their sexual needs. The store has 12 such dolls to choose from, including a male-looking Irontech Doll and a doll with intersex characteristics (both breasts and penis). The brothel's owner, Evelyn Schwarz, 30, created the sex doll brothel, which is also a BDSM (sadomasochism-related sexuality, BDSM refers to bondage and conditioning, domination and submission, abuse and masochism) venue.

Customers can sit down and pick the sex dolls they like at will,"They look beautiful, don't get sick, don't feel anything, and can provide any service without complaint. People can use them according to their preferences," Schwartz said of the advantages of these sex dolls. The sex doll rental business, she said, welcomes about five to 12 customers a day - mostly men, but occasionally women or a pair of partners. At the brothel, Schwartz has an assistant who helps clean the sex dolls, as well as dress them up and put on makeup. How the dolls are cleaned is the "secret" of the place, she said, but "they are well cleaned, washed and disinfected after each use.

Schwartz herself is a BDSM "mistress" (female dominant party, abusive party). She opened the brothel last year after finding it difficult to find German-speaking female sex workers. In BDSM, she says, it is very important to communicate with each other. Those sex workers from overseas don't speak German and may miss out on crucial information." One day I saw a video about Japanese fantasy sex doll, and I thought it might work in Germany," she says, sitting on the couch. She was surrounded by three busty silicone dolls and pornography was playing on the TV in the house. She first ordered four dolls from Shenzhen, China. The sex dolls were quickly rented out and she ordered a few more. The purchase price of each silicone doll, between 1,000 euros and 2,000 euros.

Who Are The Customers?

A comment on an online sex forum gave Anna the sex doll a perfect score of 10. The user described his "very hot new experience" with the doll in terms of sex. The only thing he regretted was that the doll weighed 30 kilograms and he struggled when trying to get her to change positions. Schwartz said that for some customers, these dolls are indeed too "passive". But she also said that other customers are satisfied that they do not need to pay for "special" services, and feel satisfied. Men can be very selfish and do not have to think about the feelings of the skinny sex doll." She says that 70 percent of her customers are repeat customers. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds, young and old, rich and poor, "just like in any other brothel. Others come because they want to try this new experience, and others who have never had sex with anyone else. Schwartz stressed, however, that customers must be at least 18 years old. The lifespan of each doll is about six months, Schwartz said, and dozens of dolls have been used up since the store opened in April 2017.

Demand In British Prisons

The same need has arisen in the UK, the difference being that the British are calling for physical dolls to be issued to prisoners.

In order to prevent some prisoners from losing their social awareness and interpersonal skills after release, and to heal the lack of emotional communication in a closed environment, some in the UK are proposing to give physical SHEDOLL to prisoners. Jack Swales, a drug dealer sentenced to long prison terms in the UK, said, "If prisoners were given a suitable form of emotional diversion - real sex dolls - they would behave better and reform faster." First, it is important to know that the UK is one of several countries that do not allow spousal visits. Spousal visits are visits by a prisoner's spouse or partner in a "private" room. Swales claims that giving inmates a physical doll can help them channel their frustration and reduce aggression, thereby reducing violence in prison. He says the program won't even cost taxpayers a penny, as inmates will be happy to pay for the dolls themselves. He is currently serving a 17-year sentence at Nottinghamshire's Loudham Manor prison and came up with the idea while watching a Channel 4 documentary on TV about men who live with physical dolls during his labour rehabilitation.

He believed that the dolls should be included in the list of privileges that prisoners enjoy, which is meant to encourage them to behave better in prison. Inmates can spend time with these physical dolls at specific times and places, talk to them, read newspapers and hug them. "Our prisons are full of people who have committed crimes and been deprived of their personal freedom, and who are willing to behave well for the comfort of a glimpse of companionship. The frustrating circumstances of being incarcerated for a crime inevitably make these people restless and go to society and feel lost in their future." Swales said buy some Tayu Doll a good way to help calm prison crowds, which will become more nervous as all long-term and maximum security prisons in the U.K. have been told to ban crowd gatherings and many outdoor activities until the outbreak is over